“Without laws and religion, one cannot imagine the degree of glory and grandeur that human knowledge might have achieved.” ~Marquis De Sade 1740-1814~

We all start out in life defiant and slowly but surely have it beat out of us

Hey you,

It’s #2.

How big of herd do you follow?

Notice I asked ‘how big’ and not ‘if’ you follow a herd. We all follow or belong so it’s no matter of if; it’s simply a matter of the size of the group.

I believe there are two main herds that people gravitate towards: the “Scared shitless of  rocking the boat because they fear change and what people will think of them” herd or… a renegade herd.

Being a part of a renegade herd can be lonely. So of course it isn’t popular because it asks you inherently to defy the majority. And yet I keep hearing from people I respect that for you to succeed on the highest level, you have to be disobedient.

Disobedient to what you ask?

Right or wrong is not one of my criteria here. There is no “The way” to live that guarantees you a disease-free, freak accident-free, flawless existence. At least I’ve never come across one. So all we have to go off of are man made edicts, formed and adhered to by large and small groups that tell us what we should or shouldn’t do and what’s wrong and what’s right.

Now something to keep in mind is that whenever you see someone behaving a certain way or saying something that you believe to be wrong, at their core, somewhere deep, they think they’re right or justified in what they’re doing. This is why the saying, “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still,” makes so much sense.

So the question of the day is “What’s right for you? And as a unique being brought here with your own special talent and preferences, how do you move towards what’s right for you and not impose on someone else’s right to pursue peace and prosperity?

Another question for anyone who believes greatness lies within is… “Do you have the courage to pursue what is right for you in the face of a massive society that tells you you’re wrong, stupid and inferior and will do so gleefully at every chance they get?”

Answering “Yes” to this question is what I believe will free you to live the life that fulfills you at the deepest level.

More times than not, the well meant, “Good” opinion of others shuts up or shouts over the voice within which in reality, is where you need the MOST approval from and from where approval is generated in the first place because the meaning you give any experience becomes the experience.

When we seek the approval of people who don’t have approval for themselves it’s like going to a bankrupt bank and asking them for money… they have nothing to offer you. Wait. That’s wrong. They do have something to offer you and more times than not, it’s More