Pepe Le Pew: Lose The Drama And Find Your Balls

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“Claim your own at any hazard.”

~Walt Whitman~

Pepe Le Pew

Pepe never let anyone else’s “good” opinion deter him from pursing with the utmost confidence, that, which he lusted for.

Hey you,

It’s #2.

As a shy kid, I always admired Pepe Le Pew. As a recovering shy adult, I still do.

Pepe let it be known what his intentions were. I believe there is something to learn from his aggressiveness and his immunity to rejection. And his feline princesses only ran from him because of his stank. not because of his self-absorbed, arrogant swagger.

In the real world, whether it be attracting a world-class lover, making high-level business connections, influencing clients to work with you instead of your competitors… the meek, do NOT inherit the earth.  The Pepe Le Pew’s do.

How you do anything is how you do everything

Man is the only living species that has the power to act as his own destroyer—and that is the way he has acted through most of his history.

~Ayn Rand~

And this brings about the topic for the day:


Owning Happiness is Either Impossible or Simple


Money and the hammer

(Classic scene from the movie Casino) “Alright, I’m gonna give you a choice. You can either have the money and the hammer or you can walk out of here. You can’t have both. Whaddya want?” This is the battle we fight in our minds every waking hour: to be drama-free or beat ourselves up. What do YOU want?

Hey you,

It’s #2.

Today I want to introduce you to a unique strategy that shows you how to become the boss of your mind in charge of kicking defeating thoughts in the balls, picking them up by the seat of their pants and then using their heads to open the door so you can toss their ass out of your mind and onto the street.

This vitally important because your thinking is the difference that makes the difference. Resourcefulness, not resources, are what give you an edge in any economy, especially a beat to shit one. Resourcefulness, which is nothing but a mindset,  is all about finding solutions to problems which lead to a better quality of problem, which keep you growing so  you can bask in happiness and fulfillment.

Just the other night I spent hours just reading and taking notes on the introduction to a book called “Happiness is Free” written by the creators of the Sedona Method and let me show you now, directly from the book, some of what absolutely kept me spell bound… More

Why Women Are Dominating Household Income, Yet Are Unhappier Then Ever…And The One Strategy I Learned From This That You and I Can Use To Provide Almost Instant Stress Relief


Women can't get no satisfaction! Or can they?

Women run EVERYTHING today and they’re more unhappy than ever. Why?

Hey you,

It’s #2.

Men, women are kicking our ass; the statistics don’t lie…

Today in our society the world is different than 2-3 decades ago.

Time magazine just did a recent cover and there have been about 4 studies that have been done in the last 40 years, around the world, in 15 different countries. And what they find is that women experience life very differently today than they did in the past.

Back in 1972, women had very few choices. Time magazine was doing a story in the 1970’s and they were comparing it to and they were saying, “There’s these new women who are empowered. Who are taking control of their lives.” Well, those aren’t new women, that’s every woman today, right?

In a paragraph of the article it says, “If you are a woman reading this magazine 40 years ago, the odds were good that your husband provided the money to buy it, that you voted the same way he did, that if you got breast cancer, he would be asked to sign the form authorizing the mastectomy, that your son was heading off to college but not your daughter and that your boss, if you had a job, could explain that he was paying you less because after all, you were probably working just so you could have pocket money.”

Think about it, it’s crazy how things change slowly and then suddenly More

40% of a Person’s Decision to Hand You Money Depends On This One Factor


You can't be a social sloth in business and make any kind of real money

Hey you,

It’s #2.

Jay Abraham is famous for telling his audiences that they should fall in love, not with their business or product, but with their clients.

$3 Million dollars worth of research and studies that Chet Holmes, the author of “The Ultimate Sales Machine”, has compiled, reveals that the best sales people:

Focus on the front end of the sale which means they devote 40% of their time to this part. 40% of whether you decide to buy from someone depends on if you like them or not. The ultimate definition of rapport is that they like you and they trust you and they respect you.

Words to live by:

Maturity is when all of your mirrors turn into windows.

Henry David Thoreau

The most influential people are not thinking about themselves because that would be looking at a mirror but instead, they’re looking through the window so that they can understand, address the goals of their client.

Influential people will say stuff like, “I never met someone I didn’t like,” or “Strangers are just friends I haven’t met yet.”

Think Of Your Ultimate Client Relationship

Today I want to take you through a process I got from a ultra-rare Tony Robbins audio that lets you create a vision for what your perfect relationship with your More

Notes For Eben Pagan’s “Connected” Program – Session 2


Today you'll discover that we have much more in common with our fellow Gorilla/Chimpanzee cousins than you might think

Hey You,

It’s #2.

Today I bring you 12 solid pages of stellar notes from Eben Pagan’s world class program… “Connected”.

Enjoy and as always feel free to baste me with questions, criticism or praise in the comments section below…

Session 2: The Social Politics of Business Success

Aristotle is known for saying “Man is by nature a political animal.”

Definition of politics: A process by which groups of people make decisions.

Most people’s desire to master politics is to avoid being “Out Politicked” ever again. Someone stabbed them in the back, undermined their authority or in some other way made them look like a fool in front of a group.

Kinda the same reason people take martial arts. They wish to avoid ever getting beat up again.

Politics is a technology, a set of processes, systems and theories you can use to achieve whatever aims you wish.

Primate Politics And How They Benefit Us In The Modern World

95-99% of what humans do, day in, day out, thinking, communicating or socializing – our closest cousins, the chimps, are doing too.

The difference between us is that we can rationalize, discriminate and tell ourselves a story about how what we’re doing is a result of choice, our individuality, not pure animal instinct. In reality we behave just like primates. This is what allows both of us to utilize that whole group dynamic that tells us who’s dominant, who’s gonna run the show, who’s threatening, who’s resourceful, all unconsciously, in the blink of an eye.

We as humans are at the top of the food chain because we are the most adaptable, according to Darwin.

Primatologist turned commercial real estate broker in the big city finds that all the behavior she observed in the jungle is playing out before her very eyes in the office… More

Is Traditional Education Responsible For Mediocrity?


The left is your brain on Traditional education; the right, on Self Education

Hey you,

It’s #2.

The other day, one of our long time fans, Bruce Brodeen made me think about a subject very near and dear to my heart… Learning.

In a comment Bruce made on our last post he included a link to a Kick Ass Article about a young renegade valedictorian’s feeling betrayed by America’s educational process.

Here’s the brilliant story she opened her speech to her class with…

“There is a story of a young, but earnest Zen student who approached his teacher, and asked the Master, “If I work very hard and diligently, how long will it take for me to find Zen? The Master thought about this, then replied, “Ten years . .” The student then said, “But what if I work very, very hard and really apply myself to learn fast — How long then?” Replied the Master, “Well, twenty years.” “But, if I really, really work at it, how long then?” asked the student. “Thirty years,” replied the Master. “But, I do not understand,” said the disappointed student. “At each time that I say I will work harder, you say it will take me longer. Why do you say that?” Replied the Master, “When you have one eye on the goal, you only have one eye on the path.”


Here’s another snippet of this renegade princess’s speech that further illustrates what this means to her (and of course, she’s ONLY talking to her class because no else reading this has ever suffered an educational system, right?)…

“I am graduating. I should look at this as a positive experience, especially being at the top of my class. However, More

Are You A Master of This Free, Yet Massively Potent Renegade Tactic That Has Proven To Make You Not Only Wealthier But Also More Attractive To the Opposite Sex?


The monumental tactic I'm unveiling here today is on display in this pic... What is it?

Hey you,

It’s #2.

I love Sir Ben Kingsley.

He’s a master of this renegade tactic I’m going to reveal to you today. In his little 120 pound frame, Sir Ben brings an intensity to some of his roles that is ASTOUNDING. In my last post I showed you a clip of him playing the revolutionary leader Gandhi.

Today I bring you a clip from the role he played in the movie Sexy Beast. See if you can pick out the single conversational distinction that lets him push around a man that’s 120 pounds heavier than him. Hint: It has absolutely nothing to do with the vulgar language he’s using or his insults…

After having watched it, do you think you know what I’m referring to?

Stay with me and I’ll show you what I picked out and why it’s so important for you implement it in your every interaction with people, AND how people of influence use it everyday to become wealthy and influential and how you can do the same.


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